Monday 8 June 2015

City of Needles - Traitors Gate Announcement

For all of you that have been keeping up to date with the Silent War blog, it's been slowing down a little on content. This hasn't been my intention, but it is a side effect of an upcoming project I'm doing with a few members of Geekly-Inc.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be creating a new live cast of an actual play. It may be in the form of a stream and uploaded to Youtube, or put up as a podcast. Whichever one has the best ratio of time to production value but I would like to officially announce Traitors Gate.

City of Needles: Traitors Gate Actual Play LiveCast

  • Name: Traitors Gate
  • System: Numenera
  • Session Days: Sunday
  • Reoccurrence: Fortnightly
  • Players: Up to 6
  • Streamed: Possibly - Twitch
  • Recorded: Yes - Audacity
  • Audience Participation: Yes - Strawpoll
  • Audience Forum: Yes - TBD
  • Audience Rewards: Yes - TBD

Scenario Briefing
For quite some time, you have harboured a dark secret, a secret you have kept hidden from everyone you know. It has eaten away at you for as long as you can remember and would consume you and your world if it was ever known by anyone else. One fateful day you found a letter left for you where you worked, a letter sealed with wax and an insignia of a beetle stamped into it. Inside of it was the weight of your guilt written in ink. In the following days you panicked, your behaviour became erratic and those around you took note and tried to find out why. You felt your world spiralling until another letter arrived. Inside was instructions on how to keep this secret safe, a shared burden for a price. In a fit of defiance, you found your life hacked away but it was not you that suffered. A warning and a far greater toll than what was asked. The price of your secret you have now paid over and over again. You have betrayed yourself, your friends and family, the people that you know and those you have not. Another letter arrived last week, a letter demanding your attention and presence at a certain place and time. You cannot be sure what this means but you will do anything to protect your secret from destroying you.

As you can see there is a little audience participation in there which I'm still working on but if you want to get in on the ground floor here all  the current social links!

Twitter: @traitors_gate, Facebook

I will be announcing the cast and some of my homebrew blackmail rules, along with a social grapple as well as a new way to invest XP into guilds next week. So stay tuned.
